General Information

Welcome and thank you for your interest in the MA program at the Institute of Research in Middle Eastern and Islamic Countries  at Marmara University.

Our master’s program in the Political History of the Middle East is a two-year academic program designed for students who wish to develop their academic interests and to pursue professional careers in the field of Middle Eastern Studies and in the modern history of the regional countries.

The application process for admissions to all graduate programs at Marmara University is administered online. (

The following documents need to be uploaded in order to complete the online application:

- Scanned transcripts from all undergraduate level, degree-track programs
- Scanned diplomas from all graduate and undergraduate programs
- English proficiency test scores (TOEFL min. 96)

- Turkish proficiency test scores (TÖMER-YADIS min 60)


After preliminary assessments candidates will be invited to take a written and an oral exam consecutively. These examinations are meant to assess students general proficiency in the modern political history of the Middle East and their academic preparedness for graduate-level study and research. (Suggested Readings)

Once admissions are announced online, the following documents are required for enrollment:

  • Admission document (print out from the online application system)
  • Original or authenticated copy of undergraduate diplomas (for foreign Universities a Certificate of Recognition from YÖK)
  • Original or authenticated copy of undergraduate transcript
  • TOEFL test scores
  • TOMER- YADIS test scores
  • A copy of passport
  • 2 photographs
  • Bank receipt of tuition fee payment (Tuition fee for MA Programs is ..., must be paid to the account …..)


If you have specific questions about the program or the application process, please contact Didar Ayşe Akbulut or Ahmed Fatih Andı. (,

This page updated by Orta Doğu ve İslam Ülkeleri Araştırmaları Enstitüsü on 26.12.2024 11:13:15